My event.

I am an International Student.

And I know how hard it can be to live with the constant fear to be forced to leave the country, legally.

So I tried to help. It’s not like every attendee found a job after leaving my event.

But (at least from their feedback), they felt part of a group of people with the same issues.

The same fears.

So it turned out to be great. You can read about it here. (It’s also in Creations).

Yesterday, about 30 (!!) International Students came to my first event all the way from New Jersey, Connecticut, and New York.

I can’t even begin to say how much that meant to me. Deciding to spend a Saturday afternoon with a stranger (yours truly) is no small gesture.

What should have been a one-hour chat, turned into a three-hour passionate conversation, followed by some soccer, frisbe, and even lacrosse.

Everyone brought their stories and lessons learned, but also current challenges, struggles and worries. There was something magic in the air, and I felt like this was actually making a difference.

I’m already looking forward to the next edition. Stay tuned, and I promise I'll try to have more than just a couple of blankets!

P.S. In case you’re wondering, I look like a Yellow Canary so people could find me in the middle of the Great Lawn. It didn't work.


Soccer. Football.

