🇮🇹 Ordering a coffee in Italy:
8:12 AM
- Un caffè.
- 1€.
8:12 AM
🇺🇸 Ordering a coffee in NYC:
8:12 AM
- Hello, can I get a coffee please?
- Sure. Small, medium, large, or grande?
- Medium.
- What kind of milk?
- Regular is fine.
- Hot or iced?
- Hot, thanks.
- Single or double shot?
- Single.
- Is that for here, or to go?
- For here.
- Would that be all?
- Yes. Thanks.
- Sure. What’s your name?
- Mattia.
** Writes “Mateas” **
- $5.23 is your total.
** Flips screen. “Please select your tip.” **
- Great, tha-
- You can pick up your order over there.
- Sure. Have a good one.
6:29 PM.
P.S. I tell every barista my name is Max.